The botanical name for daylily is "Hemerocallis" which is the Greek name for "beautiful for a day". As just reward, many buds will form on each bloomscape throughout the blooming period creating an ongoing blooming effect. The daylily is not native to America. Today's daylilies have been derived from about 16 original species native to Eurasia. We recognize these orange colored original daylilies today as "by-the-roadside-lilies" which are prevalent along some VA Highways.
Throughout the years, hybridizers have patiently worked with the daylily developing significant characteristics such as hardiness, resistance to disease, and bloom production as well as visible traits like variety in color, form, and texture. The strides that have been made in developing the daylily are truly remarkable! There are over 50,000 named, registered daylily varieties available today.
Daylilies are the foundation of any perennial garden. They are second only to the rose in popularity. With some planning, your daylilies could begin blooming with the earliest perennials and continue blooming after most other perennials have completed their bloom cycle for the summer. If we can assist in your garden layout and plant selections in any way, please let us know.
The Types of Foliage
There are three categories of daylily plants - evergreen, semi-evergreen, and dormant. Evergreen indicates the foliage will be green until a heavy freeze. Semi-evergreen foliage will recede partially prior to a freeze and may not recede at all in the warmest climates, as may evergreens. On dormant plants, the foliage dies back to the ground each winter.
We recommend evergreen and semi-evergreen plants for the extreme South - i.e., Fla. because some dormant varieties are hard to establish there. Dormant varieties are very hardy and are recommended in more Northern areas.
All in all, daylilies are very hardy wherever they're grown. With proper mulching and care any varieties may be grown in your area.
Throughout the years, hybridizers have patiently worked with the daylily developing significant characteristics such as hardiness, resistance to disease, and bloom production as well as visible traits like variety in color, form, and texture. The strides that have been made in developing the daylily are truly remarkable! There are over 50,000 named, registered daylily varieties available today.
Daylilies are the foundation of any perennial garden. They are second only to the rose in popularity. With some planning, your daylilies could begin blooming with the earliest perennials and continue blooming after most other perennials have completed their bloom cycle for the summer. If we can assist in your garden layout and plant selections in any way, please let us know.
The Types of Foliage
There are three categories of daylily plants - evergreen, semi-evergreen, and dormant. Evergreen indicates the foliage will be green until a heavy freeze. Semi-evergreen foliage will recede partially prior to a freeze and may not recede at all in the warmest climates, as may evergreens. On dormant plants, the foliage dies back to the ground each winter.
We recommend evergreen and semi-evergreen plants for the extreme South - i.e., Fla. because some dormant varieties are hard to establish there. Dormant varieties are very hardy and are recommended in more Northern areas.
All in all, daylilies are very hardy wherever they're grown. With proper mulching and care any varieties may be grown in your area.